The Smartpanel pupply is the free smm panel script on webersera this is the latest version of smartpanel smm script v4 nulled with lots of new features in portugal language. To download this script you need to read the full post so as to install this smm script successfully. Also we Recomend you to use the whiscloud as a smm hosting and pysmm as the smm service api provider as they have been the cheapest smm service api provider of the market till now.
Cronjobs For The Smartpanel Modified SMM PANEL SCRIPT
By Adding the cronjobs in your smm panel hosting (suggested smm panel hosting is cpanel you will be able to send order, order status. Cron task must be configured on your hosting. In cpanel, you should click Cron task and fill this command at the command filed:
Cronjob for main Smartpanel script –> Choose Once per minute (* * * * *)
curl >/dev/null 2>&1
curl >/dev/null 2>&1
curl >/dev/null 2>&1
curl >/dev/null 2>&1
How To Add Category In SmartPanel SMM Script
Admin Panel is completely dynamic with lot of features, so you can easily add/update categories. So To Add Edit Or Delete Category Here Is Below Steps Please Follow Them In Order To Add Categories in your modified smartpanel smmscript.
Guide Steps:
- Log into admin, Go to Category
- Click add new.
- Write Name of Category, description and Status which is active by default, choose sort number etc
- When you want to deactivate Service, just make status deactive.
- Click Save button.
Download Smartpanel Puply V4 Latest Version SMM SCRIPT- [Nulled]
To download the Smartpanel Puply V4 Latest Version SMM SCRIPT- [Nulled] you first need to go to the below mentioned site and then you need to check and read all the things mentioned there after reading you will know the further steps to download the Smartpanel Puply smm script.